Two Years Later

Two years later,

I still recall the trauma of that fateful Monday morning (04/11/2019)

And the very second that plunged me into mourning

All in a flash!


Two years later,

My heart is still wounded

Pain and grief suddenly unfolded

Without prior notice!


Two years later,

Your words of wisdom from the comfort of your bed

And your hearty laughter still resound in my head

Unforgettable memories!


Two years later,

I cherish the loving friendship we shared

A best friend like you is truly so rare

My mother, my friend!


Two years later,

Unspoken words, untold stories

Unshared jokes, unacknowledged victories

Oh! How I miss your presence!


Two years later,

Even in your absence

Your loving discipline still makes sense

Everyone around me still calls you blessed!


Two years later,

I am not scared of marriage

My future husband is coming for a full package

A Queen raised a Queen!


Two years later,

I am excited about future parenthood

For you heartily carried out the duty of motherhood

For daddy and your children!

Two years later,

We didn’t get to say goodbye

Because we will still meet by and by

This is my hope and comfort!


Two years later,

God’s garden must be truly beautiful

And the glories of heaven really colorful

No wonder, you didn’t return!


Two years later,

We miss you dearly, mummy!

My super wonder woman!


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