Dear Mummy,

I still hear your calm voice in my head saying “don’t cry, I’m not going anywhere, just call Jesus”. Those were your words as we hurriedly drove you to the hospital in the early hours of 4th November, 2019.

I still feel your presence in the house and I see some of your attributes in my siblings. Funny how they also say I talk and act like you.

I know if you had a way of fighting death, you would choose to stay with your beloved family, but, no one ever gets sight of the glories of heaven and chooses this terrible world over that joy.

It has been one whole year without hearing your voice. Who would think we would ever stay this long without our daily calls, teasing, laughter, arguments, prayers and long gists? (We could barely stay a day without talking to each other).

This one year has been the longest year of my life, as every breaking day gives me hope of seeing you sometime soon. A lot has changed and the house is not the same without you.

I want to tell you about our experience in your hometown and even after we got back from the funeral but I know you would find it more interesting when I tell you in person with my half-baked igala that you find very fluent and so, I will save it till we meet, however, some persons were amazingly wonderful and this letter would not be complete if I don’t tell you how much I appreciate them. They were practically there for us through the very tough time and they proved themselves to be loyal to the family. (I can rightly guess your comment on this... God bless them).

Do you remember those professional courses I talked to you about three days before you left us? I took them and I now have the certificates. Let me add that I am no longer “corper shun” as I passed out successfully and although thankfully, daddy came all the way to take pictures with me, I still missed your presence.

I clearly recall the first time I drove the family back from the field and you were very scared. You kept pleading the blood of Jesus all the way through that drive (funny how Dorcas is gradually becoming as dramatic as you, lol) out of fear. Now, I am more confident on the road, all thanks to daddy.

I now make coconut oil just like you used to, I even got beautiful stickers for my bottles and I now bake better cakes too.

I still remember the day I got back from work feeling very frustrated and I narrated the event of the day to you and you listened quietly and prayed your heart for me. That day, I could not comprehend why you prayed for me on certain things that did not even relate to the frustration I had that day but it turned out to be the last pronouncement you had on me and I will forever cherish those prayers and declarations.

Daddy has been really strong, he has been juggling between work and the school, even though we all wonder how he is coping with his emotions, we still thank God for the strength He has given him.

Even though ASUU strike has kept her from resuming, Dorcas is now a good fashion designer, she has sewn a number of clothes for me and I don’t think I have any business looking for a tailor for now. Do people wear clothes in heaven? Maybe she will make some for you when we come over to meet you. She still loves food though.

Ella now attends a private university just like you always wanted. She now makes very neat hair. I wish I could show you the Ghana weaving I am currently carrying.

Eunice and Isaac have been doing excellently in school and they always make me laugh. They have made me try different snacks as they always want to try out something new. Eunice now looks so much like me and Isaac is now taller.

I spoke to “big mummy” last week and she sounded exactly like you (Her voice, her words and just everything). I could not spot the difference like I used to. Aunty Precious and Ojone would not stop talking about you, especially your signature side-eye and sarcasm (lol),

Do you remember that man I told you my spirit did not agree with? It turned out that there was really something off about him as he “shot himself in the leg” and is no longer working with us. The school now has new staff and pupils and everyone is doing very well.

I am sure you still remember all my friends. They all send their regards. Dee sends his love and he always refers to the day you called and prayed for him (even though he keeps beating himself up for not coming to see you as often as he wanted to). Ramat still gushes about the Bible you gifted her and she says she will treasure it forever (My own is torn already though, but I will keep the other one you got me no matter how many pages get torn).

Your lemon tree is no longer a "fig" tree as it has finally started producing fruits. Do you remember the pawpaw tree? It grew so tall that we had to cut it yet it's still producing fruits, however, the sour sop tree has continued to remain a "fig" tree though(lol).

I really wish you were appreciated in your lifetime as much as you were when you passed, but I find solace knowing that you are resting in God’s presence, waiting for us to join you in due time.

We all miss you so much mummy, I hope you are filled with motherly pride whenever you think about us.

Can you recognize my heart-writing? Is it legible enough?

These are scribbles straight from my heart, keep resting mummy, till we see in glory.


  1. Mummy, you'll forever be treasured in my heart and always.

  2. If I Could turn back the hand of time,to see ur smiling face and hear your godly advice. How u were able to carry us all along even though we had no blood relationship with you.You left a size of shoe too big to fit in, I believe by God's grace we shall not disappoint heaven. There were times I let loose only to remember those words of yours.Your boy Elijah missed out from ur motherly love but your prayers for him was a pillar of support.My tears are for your loving arms and smiling face that I miss,I am only consoled by the fact that you are in a better place

  3. Thank you so much ma❤️❤️❤️

  4. Debbie You forgot to tell her that Eunice has written many songs and stories...

    That I no longer play "tumbo tumbo" on the keyboard as I've learnt better....

    That Ella now plays a saxophone too...

    1. Okay,😃 let's say I left that part for you to complete.. lots of love💓💓💓

  5. You didn't tell mummy how I've been wishing I met her. That on still jealous of Ramat for enjoying her love when I didn't. Your heart writing is beautiful sis

  6. Hmmm.... We'll tell her in our next letter symbo.. thanks babe 💓


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