I always find it difficult to answer the question of “who is your favorite artiste?” or “what is your favorite song or pattern of music?

This is due to the fact that my choice of song is largely dependent on my mood or current state of mind.

However, mummy had a favorite hymn and she knew its four stanzas by heart. She unconsciously made every one of us love this hymn too.

Sweet is the promise

I will not forget thee

Nothing can molest or turn my soul away

E’en though the night be

Dark within the valley

Just beyond is shinning an eternal day


I will not forget thee or leave thee

In my hands, I’ll hold thee

In my arms, I’ll fold thee

I will not forget thee nor leave thee

I am thy redeemer

I will care for thee

This was my mother’s favorite hymn.

Mummy loved this hymn so much to the point that whenever she got to suggest a hymn for family devotion, she would suggest this hymn (we all got used to it).

On many occasions, I would be in my room listening to her sing this song really beautifully (she had an awesome soprano voice) and with so much passion (especially the chorus).

Mummy had a way of passing her message across to us without saying a word (her eyes could speak a thousand words, if you know, you, so, whenever this song was raised in church, we would turn back to look at her and give her that “they are singing your song” look which she would understand and smile back at us.

I never really asked her what the song meant to her (now, I wish I did), but, the lyrics of this song reminds us of God’s promise that he will never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

This is my heart-writing today, scribbles straight from the tables of  my heart.



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